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todo.txt files are flat (ascii) text files containing a series of tasks complying to a format specified by Gina Trappani (see that enables decorating a to with priority, due date, and tags for sorting and filtering.

The todoRtxt R package provides a parser for such files as well as functions to add, update, delete, or cross out completed tasks. A Shiny app is provided that provides a (semi) GUI for these operations as well as an analytics engine for completed tasks.


A short section on how the package can be used.

Note that the design of the todo.txt specification revolves around a single (set of) file(s) without means for synchronization across devices. Given the proliferation of cloud storage, clients can use such a solution to enable synchronizing on the level of a file. Typically Dropbox is used.

Exported functions

Loading one/more files, editing/modifying a task.

Shiny app

FIXME: todo


Paul Lemmens (